Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure used to modify the size of the breasts and enhance aesthetics. The breast augmentation recovery timeline varies from patient to patient, but the process and tips for recovery are typically the same. Therefore, learning what the recovery process looks like before you go for the procedure to ensure optimal results is essential.

Dr. Jenna Bourgeois is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has conducted countless successful breast augmentation procedures in the Baton Rogue area with beautiful results. In this guide, Dr. Jenna shares everything you need to know about the recovery stages following your breast implant surgery. She also highlights some tips to ensure safe and speedy breast implant recovery.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Expectations

How long it takes to recover from breast augmentation varies for every patient. On average, patients take about 6-8 weeks to recover from a breast augmentation procedure fully. Some women feel back to normal after one week of recovery, but everyone has a different experience based on their body, age, health history, and lifestyle.

So, how long is recovery for breast implants? Here are the various stages in the breast implant recovery process:

First 24-48 Hours

Breast augmentation is typically performed outpatient, meaning you can return home the same day of your procedure. But since you’ll still feel some lingering effects of anesthesia, you should arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home. Also, ensure someone is around the house during the first day in case you need assistance.

You’ll need to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated during the first 24-48 hours of recovery. Set a comfortable area with extra pillows and blankets to ensure optimal comfort and keep plenty of drinking water, snacks, and nutritious foods close by to avoid bending over. It’s also advisable to have plenty of entertainment (books, movies, music) to keep you occupied while you relax. If our surgeon recommends some prescription medication for pain management, get them in advance so they’ll be on hand when you get home from your breast augmentation surgery.

The First Week

The first week of recovery after breast implant surgery is typically the most uncomfortable phase. It’s common to experience discomfort that you can manage with painkillers and bruising and swelling around your breasts and chest area, which gradually subside as you heal.

However, you should start feeling better towards the end of the first week of healing from breast augmentation. Dr. Jenna Bourgeois encourages light walking around the house as soon as you feel up to it. This facilitates proper blood flow and helps prevent blood clots. Listen to your body and rest whenever you feel you need it.

Weeks 3-6

During this phase of breast implant recovery, you will gradually resume your normal routine. Most women can return to work one or two weeks after breast augmentation. But if your job requires heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity, Dr. Jenna Bourgeois recommends taking additional time off to ensure sufficient healing for your body.

At this stage, discomfort, bruising, and swelling should have substantially subsided. Our board-certified plastic surgeon will carefully monitor your recovery and advise you when it is safe to resume regular activities and light exercise. You can incorporate light cardio activities into your routine at this point, but you must still refrain from strenuous activities.

After about four weeks, many women can resume intense cardio and lower body exercises. But you’ll need to refrain from chest exercises and heavy lifting until you are roughly six weeks out of surgery.

6 Months After Breast Augmentation Surgery

How long it takes to recover from breast augmentation largely depends on how well you observe your recovery routines. It can take as long as 3-4 months before you realize your final results. This is because it takes time for all residual swelling to subside and for your breast implants to settle fully into their proper position.

Dr. Jenna Bourgeois recommends not purchasing new bikinis and bras until your final results are visible. Your breast size and appearance may undergo slight changes for several months before they settle to their final size and shape.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery After a Breast Augmentation

Ultimately, how long it takes to recover from breast augmentation will depend on how well you manage the considerable amount of soreness and swelling after the procedure. Investing in one or two recovery bras is best to help reduce pain and speed up healing.

These bras are specially designed to maximize post-op comfort and provide implant stability. They also enhance circulation and mild compression, ensuring proper lymph drainage. Remember to wear your bra at all times after the surgery, and ensure it has breathable fabric, adjustable straps, a seamless design, and a pressure-free fit.

You also need to prepare your home and wardrobe before heading for the procedure. Have your housework, meal prep, and clothes shopping done beforehand to ensure a smooth recovery, particularly during the first week. Be sure to get plenty of rest and stock your kitchen with healthy foods and hydrating drinks beforehand to help speed your healing process.

Book Your Breast Augmentation Procedure Today!

Now that you’re armed with the proper knowledge about breast augmentation recovery and what to expect during various recovery stages, you can confidently schedule your procedure. You can ask Dr. Jenna Bourgeois as many questions as possible and voice any concerns with her to help you have a better overall experience and accomplish a perfect outcome.

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jenna Bourgeois, will discuss any specific breast implant procedure with you and recommend the right option. We aim to provide you with beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact Bourgeois Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation for your breast augmentation procedure in Baton Rouge today!


Image Source: Marina Demeshko/Shutterstock